Tinycottons SS17

Tinycottons starts this collection with a clear focus, FRIENDSHIP ... from there it starts searching for the perfect meaning or FRIENDSHIP expression,
easily came to our minds dogs, isn`t this the best expression for friendship ? Isn`t this the most pure friendship, the man and the dog?
"the language of friendship is not words, but meanings"
- Henry David Thoreau
Since tinycottons admires deeply Saint Laurent`s work, and he was inlove with his dog MOUJIK, we brought their friendship on board, Paris during the 70`s,
Yves and his loyal friend, a little french bulldog, inspired by this special relationship and moved by the unconditional love, we pay our own tiny tribute
to friendship, love and art.
" I am as they say, a dog person. That is, that I live with him completely. Night and day. When I travel, i take him with me and when I can`t, to England for example, i stay home ... "
- Ives Saint Laurent
welcome to the summer "TRIBUTE" ... to all that matters.
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